What Are Dental Crowns And How Long Do They Last

Cosmetic Dental Procedures in Castle Rock, CO Dr. Aaron Goodman Dr. Matthew Young Dr. Aaron English. Prairie Hawk Dental. General, Cosmetic, Restorative, Preventative Family Dentistry. Dentist in Castle Rock, CO 80104dental crowns

Dental crowns are a cosmetic dentistry procedure that can be helpful to ensure the long-lasting health of your teeth. Whenever you’re considering cosmetic dental procedures, whether it be for the health or appearance of your tooth, you should always do your research and consult with your dentist on your thoughts. Dental crowns could be something that you benefit from, but how long do they last? Are they worth the investment?


What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are a tooth-shaped cap that sits on top of the tooth in order to restore its natural shape and to improve the appearance of the tooth overall. The crowns are cemented into place and look tooth-like when it comes to your other teeth. A dental crown might be needed for a number of reasons. Protecting a weak tooth from decay can certainly help when it comes to dental crowns and restoring broken or chipped teeth. It can be helpful to cover and support a filling as well as holding a dental bridge in place. It helps to cover teeth that might be severely discolored and can’t be resolved with teeth whitening. They can also help to cover a dental implant and to make a cosmetic modification that hasn’t already been mentioned.


How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns in castle rock co can last a lifetime if you maintain them well. However, the average lifespan is going to last 15 years. However, if you’re really on it with the maintenance of cleaning your teeth properly, then they can last 25-30 years. Therefore, it makes it an ideal investment, and so you’ll want to make the most of them. In order to help with their lifespan, try to avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. If this happens, then you’re likely to cause the crown to chip or crack. You can always consider having a custom-made guard if you’re prone to grinding your teeth often as some have a habit of doing so as they sleep. This can ensure your teeth are protected and that those crowns are going to crack or chip easily.


Always ensure you are brushing your teeth correctly and that you’re paying specific attention to the crowns to make sure that they are being well looked after. Try to avoid hard objects on your teeth, and that means any particularly hard to chew foods like candy as an example. 


When Should They Be Replaced?

If you’re looking at Castle Rock Colorado for dental crowns replacement, then it’s worth knowing the typical signs when it comes to getting them replaced. Though porcelain crowns are meant to be very durable, the material can be damaged. If it gets chipped or cracked, then it definitely needs to be replaced as it can cause decay to form under the crown itself. Make sure you check your insurance too as they will likely cover the replacement of a crown if it’s over five years old.


Dental crowns certainly have their benefits, so talk to your dentist if you feel like you need them.